Monday, May 23, 2011

Better Late Than Never

Although we tweeted pics of baby Kai a month ago, we’ve yet to feature the little bubs on the main page. And for that, we deserve to be force-fed vegetables with no dip for a week.

We would show you a clear shot of the kid, but we’re fearful of Coleen and her legal counsel‘s 5-inch heels puncturing holes in our quilted Chanel bags. So instead, let’s all oogle at Mrs. Rooney ginormous ring. It’s a doozy.

And, since there’s always seems to be magical baby making ingredients in the Spanish water, let’s recap the state of La Liga’s football kiddies:

- Villareal’s Joan Capdevila is a father to little baby Gerard, born on the 10th of March. Yes. March. We promise to do better. Congrats to Joan and wifey Maria.

- His professional career may still be hanging in limbo, but personally, things are going great for Ruben de la Red. He and his wife Tania had their second child yesterday. No update on the baby’s sex but he/she joins big brother Oliver.

- Una Madrista reminds us that Alvaro Arbeloa is the last man-with-pregnant-wife standing.

- A few months back we somehow missed seeing Raul fold a pink baby blankie. Late-breaking news, Kickettes…it’s not what we’re known for.

thanks GB!

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