Sunday, May 22, 2011

Robinho confirmed

Robinho confirmed his belief that this is the season 2010/11 season that will bring glory to AC Milan.

Not only scudetto title as a symbol of Italy's Serie A championship, Robinho also wants the Champions League trophy and the Coppa Italia for the Rossoneri.

"Scudetto or the Champions League? I want it all, even the Coppa Italia. This will be the year Milan, "said the Brazilian player was told La Gazzetta dello Sport.

An attacker who landed at the San Siro from Manchester City last summer was also expressed his hope for the red-black-costumed in a long time.

"I want to stay as a Milan player for ten years ahead," he said.

"I like to be in Milan. This is a great opportunity for me and I do not want to let go, "he added.

"I'm happy playing football in Italy for my liking."

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