Friday, May 27, 2011

Real Madrid Boys In Blue

Surely we didn’t miss the men’s spring trend memo? We definitely dont’ recall this ‘look’ or colour scheme on the top of watch lists.

Cristiano Ronaldo (at the Champions League Trophy handover) and Karim Benzema (at Sergio Ramos’s 24th) both pounded the Spanish pavement in navy & white track jackets with similarly-coloured denim. Creating an outfit of clothes from the same colour families requires concentration. We sincerely hope this is more a case of grabbing whatever was clean vs trying to dress in all-in-one slim-for-the-hips colours.

What’s our point? As you may have suspected, we haven’t really got one. But we’ve started, so we’ll carry on.

Although understated streetwear is not a look we love, it’s something we can live with. We’re normally fans of a good hoodie, but in this case, we prefer the classic sportsman fit that Cristiano chose. Plus, the elastic waist on his top layer accentuates his bulge. And that’s a look we always love.

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