Friday, May 27, 2011

The EN-GER-LAND Dress-World Cup Merch

Be honest: how many readers were rather envious of their Netherlands friends who – with the help of Dutch brewer Bavaria – have the chance to express their lust for their World Cup-bound boys without resorting to a polyester jersey? Fear not, England fans! Thanks to Bavaria UK, you girls can now join the fabulously dressed footy party via this ‘EN-GER-LAND’ mini dress.

Versatile and super-clingy, this cheeky little number can be worn in any one of the four different styles, which should be sufficient to take even the most ‘fashion forward’ of Kickettes from day to night.

And if that wasn’t enough, Bavaria UK have created the dress so in order to promote their spanking new alcohol free beer range. So theoretically it’s more than possible to wear the dress, drink the beer, watch the game and not fall down. How utterly considerate!

Free stuff: The ‘EN-GER-LAND’ mini dress is not available in stores but we have 20 to give away to our UK Kickettes! To participate in our giveaway, please submit your answer to the following question to: prizes [at] kickette [dot] com.

Question: which brightly-coloured NT World Cup dress did Kickette feature recently?

Contest closes on Friday at 17.00 EST and is open to UK residents only. Good luck!

–update: the contest is now closed! Winners will be notified on Sunday June 13.

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