Monday, May 23, 2011

Fernando Torres And Olalla Dominguez Welcome Son, Leo – UPDATED


UPDATE: We now know that Olalla gave birth to baby Leo at Liverpool Women’s Hospital – the same delivery destination of Coleen & Kai Rooney. Low and behold, Xabi Alonso is rumoured to have done an in-person celebratory jig at the hospital with Fernando.

As we all already know, Fernando Torres missed last night’s Liverpool match against Aston Villa to witness the birth of his second child. We’re now giddy-with-glee to confirm that Olalla gave birth to a healthy baby boy, Leo, late yesterday. The footy world was rocked to its core [as were the pastry shops within 10 kilometers of our flats] so much so that the baby’s birth was not reported according to the time of day, but rather, what minute mark of Liverpool’s match (the 74th, FYI). His footballin’ future already seems to be bright, no?

Unlike their first bundle of ovary-bursting joy, Olalla gave birth in Liverpool and not in the couple’s Spanish hometown [two days ahead of her actual due date, as we first reported]. Also unlike their first ride on the kiddie-merry-go-round: Xabi Alonso was present! We’re ignoring the obvious – that Mr. Alonso’s fleeting appearance at Anfield happened on coincidence – as we presume you all plan to do, too. Anyone else envisioning happy hospital high-fives being shared between Xabi, Steven Gerrard and proud papa Torres? Ignorance is indeed bliss.

Other deets are of the limited variety at this point, but once our updates are in, the smoke signals we plan on sending out will put the Papal conclave to shame. In the interim, we leave you with Fer’s abs to soften the blow/tide you over.

Before we forget, though, our unofficial pool is now open for Sergio Ramos’ baptism suit betting. Because he’ll obviously be attending as godfather, and it’s obviously more importante to predict if he’ll be wearing his preferred pants in green or red. Duh.

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