Sunday, May 22, 2011

Exposed position due to the well-known rivalry

The official Manchester United delegation who witnessed the 2-0 Premier League defeat at Liverpool had the special experience of sitting in the front row of the Anfield directors’ box. It was the first time in living memory that the United directors have been placed in that.

Manchester United board left as sitting targets in the box seats at Anfield

Exposed position due to the well-known rivalry between the superpowers and the danger of the visiting VIPs being abused by Liverpool fans. But Liverpool’s new administrative regime were unaware of the traditional safety strategy of seating the United high command a few row back, causing great anxiety before kick-off.

As it turned out there was no incident, doubtless helped by the presence in the United party of Sir Bobby Charlton, who is the one Manchester United name revered on Merseyside — a fact demonstrated by the reception he received for his lifetime achievement award at last year’s Sports Personality of the Year show in Liverpool.

Meanwhile, Liverpool dispute that warring owners George Gillett and Tom Hicks only sat next to each other in the first half for the benefit of photographers. The Americans, who apparently spent a lot of the weekend together, only separated in the second half because Gillett was leaving early to catch a flight — so he sat at the end of a row.

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