Sunday, May 22, 2011

Dimitar Berbatov

Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson has confirmed that mis-firing striker Dimitar Berbatov will not be sold during this summer’s transfer window.

The Bulgarian has struggled to make an impact at Old Trafford, since his 2008 transfer from Tottenham Hotspur but, despite this, Ferguson remains a keen admirer of Berbatov’s, and insisted that he has a role to play at Old Trafford. When asked if the striker would be sold during the summer, the Scot replied:

"No, no, definitely not, "That's a problem with a club like United - there's expectation and the media attention is always there.

"There's speculation every year - some summers I'm signing 100 players. You've got to live with that sort of media hype about the club. There's been a bit about Berbatov in terms of his future but we know he's a good player.

"He's a fantastic footballer and he'll be with us next year."The news has prompted SkyBet to slash the striker’s odds of remaining at Manchester United next season down to 1/6.

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