Friday, May 27, 2011

The Sizzle Query: I Hate Him

There are a number of players in world football who, for one reason or another, do not enjoy the kind of adoration from fans that their less ‘morally challenged’ counterparts do. However, in our capacity of ‘hot bishes of the parish’, we reserve the right to perv on any man sporting the correct combination of abs, tent and thigh action.

Query love them or hate themEven if they are sexually, verbally or indeed literally incontinent.

We like to attribute it to an evolutionary drive to procreate, uninhibited by social constructions such as morality. Others would call us skanks, if only we cared to listen. And we know we’re not the only ones.

Kickette would you ratherSo, in response to a comment in a post yesterday, we throw out the challenge. Who would compel you to betray your stringent personal code for a few moments of ‘baller bliss? The criteria are yours to define, just keep to guys who have sullied their rep in whatever unpleasant circumstances would all like to pretend didn’t happen.

Confused? Start with Ashley Cole and work upwards.

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