Monday, May 23, 2011

Niko and Simona Kranjčar Welcome Baby Loree

Image: Javno/Mario Cu.

Those who cradle-snatch shall prosper, Kickettes.

‘Tis the lesson to be learned from Simona Kranjčar, who – despite a six year age gap – wrangled herself one of our formerly top hot-and-barely-legal commodities in the EPL. Now, the couple is celebrating the delivery of their first child: a girl named Loree (pronounced as it’s spelled) born yesterday in London.

Run, don’t walk, to the nearest bank, Mrs. K.

As per our scientific study of ‘baller babies, baby girl Kranjcar is bound to be a scrumptious bundle of plush pink butterflies. We also foresee her spending her diaper days either playing hopscotch or hide and go seek depending on the sex of the Crouch/Clancy soon-to-be fellow Tottenham tyke.

Congratulations to the couple!

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