Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Marissa Miller- All-Star Baseball Babe

Showing off her sporty side, Marissa Miller was spotted at the Taco Bell All-Star Legends & Celebrity Softball Game yesterday (July 11).

The Victoria’s Secret hottie looked to be having a marvelous time as she enjoyed all the action at Angel Stadium of Anaheim, California.In related news, Marissa recently weighed in on “Eclipse” stud Taylor Lautner, having met him at a previous celebrity sporting event.

“I met Taylor [Lautner] at the celebrity football game at the Super Bowl. He and Kellan [Lutz] were on my team actually. They are such sweet guys, such normal guys. I feel kind of bad: Here Taylor’s at this age where he’s probably so into girls and he can’t leave his house because they are just mobbing him. The shrieks! He’s going to be deaf by the time he’s 21.”

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